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Classification of European beech forests: a Gordian Knot ? / Wolfgang WILLNER W. / 2017
Titre : Classification of European beech forests: a Gordian Knot ? Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Wolfgang WILLNER W., Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 494-512 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : EUROPE
FORETMots-clés : forêt de Hêtre Fagetalia sylvaticae Fagion sylvaticae Fagus sylvatica Luzulo-Fagion sylvaticae Syntaxonomy TWINSPAN Vegetation-plot database Résumé : Questions: What are the main floristic patterns in European beech forests? Which classification at the alliance and suballiance level is the most convincing? Saisie BD Flore : Rien à saisir DOI : Exemplaires
Cote Section Support Localisation Code-barres Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Éloge du paradigme synusial : alternative à la classification phytosociologique de la végétation forestière européenne, ouest-asiatique et nord-africaine / Bruno FOUCAULT B. de / 2020
in 7 - 2020 - 7-Evaxiana-2020 (Bulletin de Evaxiana - Revue électronique de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest)
Titre : Éloge du paradigme synusial : alternative à la classification phytosociologique de la végétation forestière européenne, ouest-asiatique et nord-africaine Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Bruno FOUCAULT B. de, Auteur Année de publication : 2020 Importance : 5-248 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : EUROPE
VEGETATIONMots-clés : phytosociologie synusiale, végétation arborescente, végétation herbacée intraforestière, systémique, structures formelles systématiques, synsystème forestier Résumé : Après avoir défendu le paradigme synusial en phytosociologie moderne, l’auteur élabore une partie du synsystème associé en définissant et/ou validant plusieurs unités au sein des classes suivantes : Fraxino excelsioris-Quercetea roboris, Pino halepensis-Quercetea ilicis, Ocoteo foetentis-Perseetea indicae, Rhamno catharticae-Prunetea spinosae, Pistacio lentisci-Rhamnetea alaterni, Erico arboreae-Morelletea fayae, Rubo bollei-Salicetea canariensis, Zizipho loti-Searsietea tripartitae, Nerio oleandri-Tamaricetea africanae, Anemono nemorosae-Caricetea sylvaticae, Melampyro pratensis-Holcetea mollis, Rubio peregrinae-Asplenietea onopteridis. Saisie BD Flore : Rien à saisir Citation bibliographique : FOUCAULT B. de, 2020. - Éloge du paradigme synusial : alternative à la classification phytosociologique de la végétation forestière européenne, ouest-asiatique et nord-africaine. Evaxiana 7 : 5-248. Exemplaires
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foucault_2020_classifphytosocio_veg_forestiere_evaxiana_X29587.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF Stellaria ruderalis, a new species in the Stellaria media group from central Europe / LEPSI M. / 2019
Titre : Stellaria ruderalis, a new species in the Stellaria media group from central Europe Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : LEPSI M., Auteur ; Petr LEPSI P., Auteur ; Petr KOUTECKY P., Auteur ; Magdalena LUCANOVA M., Auteur ; Eva KOUTECKA E., Auteur ; Zdenek KAPLAN Z., Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 391-420 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : EUROPE
STELLARIA RUDERALISMots-clés : Caryophyllaceae, flow cytometry, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing, karyology, multivariate morphometrics, Stellaria media agg., taxonomy Résumé : A new allotetraploid species in the Stellaria media group, S. ruderalis M. LepÅ¡Ã, P. LepÅ¡Ã, Z. Kaplan & P. Koutecký, which is possibly of hybridogenous origin between S. pallida and S. neglecta, is distin-guished and described based on a biosystematic revision of the S. media group. A suite of bio-systematic techniques, including molecular (internal transcribed spacer sequencing), karyological (chromosome counting, flow cytometry), multivariate morphometrics and phenological observations, was used to assess the variation in this species group and determine the taxonomic status of the spe-cies. All the methods employed produced similar results and supported the delimitation of four spe-cies within the Stellaria media group in central Europe: Stellaria ruderalis (2n = 4x = 44), S. pallida (2n = 2x = 22), S. neglecta (2n = 2x = 22) and S. media s. str. (2n = 4x = 40). Stellaria ruderalis is a winter annual growing mainly in disturbed ruderal open or semi-open communities. This species’ broad ecological amplitude allows it to commonly co-occur with its three related species. It is proba-bly a widespread species in southern and central Europe. It is currently spreading in the northern part of central Europe. Photographs of the type specimen and individuals of the new species in situ are pre-sented. Scanning electron micrographs of seeds, microphotographs of seeds and mitotic chromosome spreads and a key for the identification of all four species are provided. Saisie BD Flore : Rien à saisir Citation bibliographique : LEPSI M., LEPSI P., KOUTECKY P., LUCANOVA M., KOUTECKA E. & KAPLAN Z., 2019. - Stellaria ruderalis, a new species in the Stellaria media group from central Europe. Preslia, 91: 391-420. Exemplaires
Cote Section Support Localisation Code-barres Disponibilité aucun exemplaire The Calluna life cycle concept revisited: implications for heathland management / Jenny SCHELLENBERG J. / 2021
Titre : The Calluna life cycle concept revisited: implications for heathland management Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jenny SCHELLENBERG J., Auteur ; Erwin BERGMEIER E., Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 119-141 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : CALLUNA VULGARIS
EUROPEMots-clés : Calluna vulgaris, Degeneration, Disturbance, Growth phase, Heathland conservation, Heather vitality, Life cycle, Plant age Résumé : Heather, Calluna vulgaris, is a key species of European dry heath and central determinant of its conservation status. The established Calluna life cycle concept describes four phases—pioneer, building, mature, and degeneration—distinguishable by growth and vitality characteristics of undisturbed plants grown from seeds. However, little is known about the life cycle and ageing of plants subjected to severe disturbance, although measures to this effect (burning, mowing) are common in heathland management. We studied the vitality of over 400 heather plants by examining multiple morphological (plant height, long shoot and inflorescence lengths, flowering activity), anatomical (growth rings) and environmental (management, nitrogen deposition, climate) attributes. We found Calluna vitality to be mainly determined by the aboveground stem age, and that severe disturbances promote vigorous vegetative regeneration. Ageing-related shifts in the habit and vitality of plants resprouting from stem-base buds is similar to that of seed-based plants, but the former revealed higher vitality when young, at the cost of a shorter life span. In contrast,
plants originating from decumbent stems resemble building-stage plants but apparently lack the capacity to re-enter a cycle including stages other than degeneration-type. As a consequence, we supplemented the established heather life cycle concept with a post-disturbance regeneration cycle of plants derived from resprouting. We conclude that management of dry lowland heathlands should include rotational small-scale severe disturbance to support both seed germination and seedling establishment as well as vegetative regeneration chiefly of young heather plants capable of resprouting from buds near rootstock.Saisie BD Flore : Rien à saisir Citation bibliographique : SCHELLENBERG J. & BERGMEIER E. 2022. - The Calluna life cycle concept revisited: implications for heathland management. Biodiversity and Conservation 31 : 119-141. DOI : 10.1007/s10531-021-02325- Exemplaires
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